
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's 1am and I'm not lonely

So here's the situation. I decided to learn how to make cake balls at 10pm tonight (or technically last night). I found this awesome recipe which is pretty basic as it seems in the world of cake balls, and so I looked to our good friend, Paula Deen for some delicious inspiration...


You can find this easy recipe here:

I must confess mine have not turned out as glamorous as these, but taste phenomenal! I know this because I had two, hence why I am up after a jam packed day at almost 1:00am!

So while I'm up I thought I'd reflect on a few treasures that I have acquired this week.


to give assistance or support to
to make more pleasant or bearable
to benefit
to promote
to serve with food or drink especially at a meal
to restrain from doing something
to change for the better

This is not only Webster's definition of the word "help," this is God's definiton for "Taylor." I am a "help mate" for Joseph. A wonderful, godly woman from our new church shared this insight with us from God's Word this week.

Then the Lord God said.
 "It is not suitable for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Genesis 2:18

Most of us have heard this verse multiple times and it is often quoted at marriage ceremonies, but as this godly woman read this definition to me, I was mortified. Not only do I not make Joseph's life as "pleasant or bearable" as I would like, but I do the exact opposite.

Where are my needs being unmet? Why do I feel alone? Why do I have to do ... bla bla bla. You get the point. To BE help is to be selfless. Needless to say I was very convicted and ran to bring my baby lunch today :) Thank you Lord for showing me my fulfilling purpose as a help mate.


This cutie:

I know that everyone does not need the hundreds of pictures I post of her, and in fact I would be completely understanding if there were multiple individuals who predict my daily uploads that will pester their facebook news feeds and sigh. Friends... I simply can not help myself.

She is hilarious.

Clapping after we pray together. Loving her little cross figure we got her for Easter. Kissing Jesus in her children's Bible. Playing hide and seek with anyone willing to chase her. Her sweet little expressions when she watches her new favorite movie, Tangled.

I know most parents feel this extreme fondness and love for their child, and so I simply am here to say that I am head over heels for this little girl and the majority of the time she makes it hard not to have the "fever."

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sugar and Spice and everything nice

As most of you probably know, we have the wonderful opportunity to be living in Little Rock, Arkansas where Inslee has been overjoyed to spend almost every day with her sweet cousin, Grace.

Every morning has been so sweet as they anxiously await saying "yay!" as "good morning," to one another! They love to dance together, press their faces up against the glass door for any bystanders' amusement, and of course, bake :)

Grace calls Inslee either "E!" or "INS!" Inslee just screams with excitement, usually with her hands up in the air. They also like to share (for the most part). Grace knows that Inslee will most likely help her sneak her lunch onto Ins's plate as she quickly gobbles up the evidence ;)

Probably one of my very favorite (yet frightening) activities they enjoy is leading the other "away." "Away" meaning Inslee leading Grace to the pantry on the other side of the kitchen, or Grace corraling Inslee to hide in "Mimi's" room. I just think it is so adorable that they have this instant knowledge of the other's plans and a quick comradery as they seek to escape! I love the giggles and Grace's occasional "uh oh" when the observing mommies decide to spoil their escapade. These girls need a very watchful eye over them ;)

I love watching them genuinly adore each other's company and watching Inslee try to keep up with Grace. These two girls are fearless!

"Rock rock!"
Inslee's new thing is saying "OOOOO!"

It is yet to be determined which one is "sugar" and which one is "spice," but one thing's for sure...

... they both sure are "nice!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Catch up!

courtesy of James Riley Images, LLC

So I have not blogged in 4 MONTHS! I can not believe it! I thought I'd share a few things that have entered into our lives that have contributed to our busy schedules and that have made this life so exciting and yes, very busy!

Bible Studies Fellowship. Otherwise referred to as, "B.S.F." Joseph and I started going to this international bible study group that meets in downtown Charleston every Monday night. They also have a day time meeting for women, but Joseph and I have decided to make it a fun date night for us as I drop him off at his and I head towards Citadel Baptist Church for mine :) All BSF groups all over the world study the same scriptures every day and this group has provided INCREDIBLE accountability, encouragment, and most of all has promoted DISCIPLINE (yikes! does my life somewhat reflect discipline now?) in our time in the word and in prayer. There is most likely a BSF group near you, wherever you may live and you can check it out at! Beware: this WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

So I am not going in any sort of chronological order, but coming to mind next is that I am busy because i have a ONE YEAR OLD!?! What!? Are you insane?! When did this happen? I can not believe that my baby Inslee is now a toddler Inslee. She is moving and shaking not only our world but her little world as well as she is walking and yes at times almost running everywhere! She is now doing some sign language and now confidently calls on "Dada" and "Mama" by name. She is such a sweetie pie and I could never express how much joy and smiles she brings into our every day life.

Shutterfly. I have now become addicted to this wonderful website. I made a few picture books over the holidays as gifts and now I finishing up "A Year with Inslee." I have had so much fun keeping track of all we did with Inslee every month of her first year and making records of all of her firsts as well as sharing our hopes and dreams for her life. Mostly that she will experience true joy in this life through Christ.

Packing. Ugh. Ugh is more of the feeling towards actually packing, and not towards this stage in our lives. For all of you who do not know, we are packing up and heading to Little Rock, Arkansas to live for about a year or so to help with Joseph's family's business. We are really looking forward to spending time with his side of the family there, and of course are not looking forward to saying a temporary goodbye to all of our wonderful friends and family here in Charleston. :(

So this blog is also very reflective of my morning- bsf bible study-playing with my inslee bear-trying to NOT get on shutterfly ;), and yes then packing. Tomorrow? Repeat. I am so thankful that a life of following the Lord will not make this monetenous.